Culture Coaching simply means supporting your employees, customers, target audience and fanbase so that they consistently stay motivated and be up-top with updated and learn new skills and become greater assets to your company or brand. A management culture that emphasizes training, regular feedback and opportunities for growth creates a more engaged and energized workforce.


  • Influencer Brand relationship: also known as a Brand Relationship is the relationship between other influencers that can relate and enjoy your brand and services. An Influencer that gives your brand’s service or product a shoutout is CreativeWolf Formula to cross network audience from both the influencers and your brand’s audiences


  • Culture Trend Relevance: A trend is what’s hip or popular at a certain point in time. … A trend simply reflects what seems to be going around at any given time. A trend can be in any area and doesn’t only reflect fashion, pop culture, and entertainment. At CreativeWolf we make sure your brand stays relevant to what’s going on in the real world. Focusing on your business often time leads to missing an opportunity for your business growth because you were too busy to be aware of a parade your brand could have been a part of.



  • Authority Figure Coaching: An authority figure is anyone who is in charge of others and responsible for people underneath them. … The Milgram experiment was groundbreaking in its revelations of how authority figures can influence their subordinates into doing things they normally wouldn’t do on their own.


Brand Pack
Phase I